Javid Javadni Motivates Small Business Employees

Javid Javdani
4 min readJun 29, 2021


Javid Javdani is an independent entrepreneur that knows the value of industry relationships. As a business owner in San Diego, California, Javid Javdani has seen the importance of networking with others and maintaining positive relationships with employees.

Javid Javdani from San Diego, California, Explains How To Motivate Employees

How To Motivate Employees

Javid Javdani started building relationships with the community as a small business owner to gain trust and service. By focusing on local efforts and individual priorities, he has created a successful and goal-oriented staff.

Owning a business can be frustrating at first. While an entrepreneur often has enthusiasm and a hard work ethic, employees may not feel the same way. Even with qualified, dedicated employees, sustaining motivation can be tiresome. An employer that understands the tools they already have can greatly benefit the entire organization.

Incentivize Wisely

Depending on the individual and the community, incentives to increase production will vary. There are multiple factors to consider when offering specific incentives to employees. Employees may be motivated by time off, additional benefits, bonuses, or even gifts. Age, family life, location, and education all play a role in what motivates some workers and not others.

Giving employees a choice to pick whichever incentive is most important to them is highly beneficial for working individuals. This allows them to explore their priorities and take steps toward the business’s offer.

Offering incentives can lead to an increased rate of employee retention as well as an increase in productivity. When employees feel valued by their employer, they are more likely to take pride in their work. This recognition can be in the form of a monetary reward or an award.

Set A Range of Goals

Long-term goals are essential for business owners to succeed. Employees, however, may not have the same vision. Setting smaller goals in addition to long-term ambitions can create a sharper focus for employees. This is especially helpful for the management department.

Managers that have weekly goals can motivate other employees to stay on track. These goals can be monetary or awareness-based. Many companies have goals that concentrate on gaining new customers or potential client information. This can be gathering email addresses or distributing surveys.

Small goals give employees more to celebrate. While working as a team, employees have an end in sight for smaller goals. Rewarding success in smaller increments means additional recognition and rewards. Meeting weekly goals can result in a company lunch or gift cards. Showing appreciation for the team is one way to work as one unit effectively.

Show Positivity

Some days are just tough. It can be difficult to find the energy to manage work and expectations. Although this is true for everyone, an employer has the added pressure of being a leader.

Leaders can often pull themselves out of a funk by focusing on the positive aspects of owning a business. Even if an employer isn’t exuberant about their job on a particular day, finding the positives in an everyday work environment is critical.

Steady enthusiasm helps an entire team stay focused. Energy can come from both small and big measurements when running a business. Joking around with others and fostering relationships is one way to increase positive energy.

Other practical ways of boosting enthusiasm include playing music and games. This can engage employees in an environment that feels more personal. Allowing others to have an input in work-related entertainment is a powerful motivator.

Provide Balance

A healthy work/home life balance is necessary to motivate employees, reminds Javid Javdani. Additional hours and minimal vacation days will not foster an optimistic team. To help workers gain enthusiasm and retain energy, they must be encouraged to have a life outside the business.

Prioritizing a work/life balance is also attractive for families. A positive reputation for allowing parents to take time off is important for the attraction of future employees. This can include allowing employees with children to leave before their kids get home from school. By working around their timetable so they can work different hours, employees can balance their priorities.

Conduct Recognition Meetings

Bi-weekly or monthly meetings can improve employee retention. Regular meetings designed to showcase hard-working employees with enthusiasm or innovative solutions can encourage the entire team.

Recognition meetings do not need to identify the problematic issues in a company. These meetings are specifically held to highlight the growth and positive performance of the business itself and the individuals that help make it happen.

An employee that goes beyond what’s expected of them deserves praise from their employer. Publicly recognizing their hard work promotes awareness of certain company values. Depending on the business, an employer can recognize loyal employees, fast-working employees, or charismatic employees.

Obtain Feedback

Javid Javdani from San Diego, California, on Feedback

After trying different incentives and motivational methods, feedback is necessary to continue. Without understanding which rewards work best, an entrepreneur can spend energy on the wrong developments.

Employee feedback can be accomplished in several different ways. Anonymous feedback is often the best. When an employee cannot be easily identified, they are more likely to be honest in their assessment of what is and isn’t working for them.

Questions can include topics about praise, recognition, and awards. It can also have specific issues related to the workplace. This may highlight new policies or handling personal or relational matters within the company. Feedback is best conducted regularly.

Encouraging Discouraged Employees

Some employees start their job feeling hopeless or undervalued. For these individuals, extra motivation may be necessary. Spending spare time understanding what’s important to them will make a difference.

Spending more time teaching, recognizing, and praising an employee can help them feel like part of the business. Creating a team or family environment often allows employees of any age feel motivated and enthusiastic about work.



Javid Javdani

Javid Javdani from San Diego, California, is a licensed pharmacist, a successful entrepreneur, and a dedicated business owner.